Dracula's original castle lies in ruins. The person who Count Draculs was based on was a Prince named Vlad III. Vlad III was born in Si...

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Dracula's original castle lies in ruins. The person who Count Draculs was based on was a Prince named Vlad III. Vlad III was born in Si...
Edoras was the capital of Rohan. The city of Edoras was built on a hill in a valley of the White Mountains by Rohan's second King,...
Isla de Muerta Isla de Muerta is an island featured in the 2003 film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. It is a myste...
Fingolfin Vial of Galadriel The gathering of the White Council Moon letters are discovered by Elrond All above are courtesy of Maria Lombide...
By Laurel Holmstrom Occultists and esotericists , such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn [1], have theorized that ancient Egypt...