DONNELLY AND THE ANTEDILUVIAN WORLD The most influential of these writers was the American politician and amateur historian, Ignatius ...

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DONNELLY AND THE ANTEDILUVIAN WORLD The most influential of these writers was the American politician and amateur historian, Ignatius ...
Greek Trading Ship Ptolemy, who had accompanied Alexander all the way to the Indus River and back, took up Alexander’s idea of ...
A long avenue leads to the "Pyramid of the Moon" and it is sometime thought that this avenue might have been filled with water to ...
“I don't want to just make it up": Author Michael Crichton, whose novels effortlessly blended science and suspense, died Tuesday a...
Artist’s conception of James O’Kon’s Mayan bridge BY WILL HART What Could Explain the Failure of Mainstream Science to Unravel the Origin...
The War When the Achaeans finally reached the Troad, the region around Troy, Odysseus and Menelaus went ahead as ambassadors to convince t...
Scientists at Bashkir State University in Russia claim to have found infallible proof of the existence of a highly developed civilization in...
An archaeologist and anthropologist, and a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, Steven Erikson recently returned to Canada after a number...
Chinese Globe, 1623 Maps provide an excellent illustration of the way different cultures conceive of and represent the world around them....
The desolate Malden Island contains an assortment of megalithic monuments. On the barren Pacific islet of Malden, completely uninhabited b...
“And then on the following day they came to Arthur’s court. They seemed like giants, wearing black steel and strange weapons. They were powe...
Snuggled deep within the scenic Beqa’a Valley is an age-old acropolis devoted to, at different times, a wide variety of gods and goddesses. ...
Leif Eriksson sailed to and explored North America. In this 1996 photograph, a man dressed in traditional Viking clothing and armor poses at...