In temples and chapels dedicated to Hathor, columns were often crowned with a likeness of the goddess. The columns, used from the New Kingd...
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In temples and chapels dedicated to Hathor, columns were often crowned with a likeness of the goddess. The columns, used from the New Kingd...
Peter I ( 1672 – 1725 ), was the tsar who made Russia a Great Power and a military force to be reckoned with, starting the long, painful pr...
The name of Cardinal Richelieu, prime minister of France under Louis XIII, has become synonymous with the figure, ‘the power behind the thro...
Architectural reconstructions of offering chapels from three tombs in Saqqara are presented here; the extensive wall decorations have been ...
Maker unknown; from a Dutch Bible [seventeenth century] Smith Collection, University of Southern Maine This Bible map encompasses a large re...
Mitchell-Hedges Skull British Crystal Skull Paris Crystal Skull Amethyst Skul l Rose Quartz Crystal Skull Aztec Skull Perhaps it’s because t...
The western approach to the Great Temple of Amun in Thebes is lined with ram-sphinxes. This reconstruction is a view from the entrance of th...
Akhenaten moved his capital to the barren site of Tell el-Amarna, where a city was designed and built. Soon after his death, the town was ab...
Alexander von Humboldt, Vegetation zones on Mount Chimborazo (Alexander von Humboldt and A.G. Bonpland, Geographie der Pflanzen in den Trope...
Flowers, like the blue lotus or the papyrus, are the main motif in these patterns. These flowers imitate actual wreaths used as decoration o...
Ptolemy's Goal T he introduction to Geography states what Ptolemy wanted to accomplish, which includes an explanation of the princip...
Abraham Ortelius, in Parergon, Antwerp, 1595 Osher Collection, University of Southern Maine This map, oriented with east at the top, shows t...
Albino Luciani was elected pope on 26 August 1978, taking the name John Paul, and died just 33 days later after one of the shortest reigns ...
Theories about the Lost Colony The most obvious explanation is that the Lost Colonists were never found because they were dead. They could...
Abraham Ortelius, in Parergon, Antwerp, 1595 Osher Collection, University of Southern Maine Phoenician colonies on the northern coast of Afr...
The discovery of "Croatoan" A map of the Roanoke area, by John White Sometime between 1587 and 1590 the population of the first...