(Beth-Luis-Nuin) Cosmological concept. The Celts arranged the most familiar and valuable TREES of their lands into a series that had mystica...

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(Beth-Luis-Nuin) Cosmological concept. The Celts arranged the most familiar and valuable TREES of their lands into a series that had mystica...
Continental Celtic and British god. This relatively obscure Gaulish god may have been a local divinity (GENIUS LOCI) worshiped in a TREE, fo...
Ot sain op Local sprite, house guardian by Maria Lombide Ezpeleta The very feel of the forest imparts a sense of wonder and hidden power...
Alhambra: Granada´s hidden gardens Islamic gardening drew on traditions going back to the very early civilization of ancient Mesopotamia. In...
When we hear the word “mythology,” we think of stories, fables, and fairy tales. Nevertheless, myth is not make-believe. Myth is based on ...
By Jeff Quick The High Forest is dense with nothingness. Unprepared wanderers can travel for days without finding a friendly face, or even...
This legendary forest in eastern Brittany is said to have been the site where the great magician MERLIN was imprisoned by his mistress, the ...
Canopied live oak forest Large and impressively long-lived, the oak was one of the most important TREES to the Celts. In part, this was beca...
British folkloric figure. In The Merry Wives of Windsor, Shakespeare speaks of Herne as a hunter who hanged himself from an oak tree and was...
In most Celtic lands, it was considered very unlucky to burn the wood of an elder TREE (genus Sambucus), because the spirits of FERTILITY we...
Despite being a common TREE in many climates, the ash (genus Fraxinus) plays a significant role in Scandinavian and Germanic as well as Celt...
The White Stag by Ruth Sanderson Beldane would have found the scene unfolding before him amusing if capturing this legendary creature weren’...
Since the waning of the cold war, the West has had access to more information about Eastern European nations, their history, pre-history and...
By Gary Varney No one can determine when the first grove of trees was designated as “sacred” — to be used only for religious ceremony and ri...