Since the earliest days of organized religious expression there have always been those who preferred seeking the individual mystical experie...

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Since the earliest days of organized religious expression there have always been those who preferred seeking the individual mystical experie...
The Great Plaza in Tikal was surrounded by grand palaces and temples. This is Temple I. Peeling Back the Jungle By the time the Spanish conq...
The Maya were master pyramid builders, but their magnificent cities were buried by the jungle until the late 1800s and early 1900s. This is ...
In Cuchulainn and the Morrigan we return to the supernatural theme that underpins his adventures. It is partly through his relationship to t...
Tara E. Nummedal. Alchemy and Authority in the Holy Roman Empire. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007. xvii + 260 pp. $37.50 ...
Symbolic animal. The hare, in Ireland, was believed to be a WITCH in disguise, perhaps because the animal was mythically connected to that w...
The aged Merlin waits deep in a rock for the right time to return. He carries with the secret of Nimue. Merlin…but one version… …Merlin ther...