The Nabataean kingdom was one of the wealthiest of the Client States which were a prominent feature on the Roman frontiers, especially in ...
No evidence for Clovis catastrophe, archaeologists say
Distinctive spearpoints made by the so-called Clovis culture have been found at sites throughout the contiguous United States, as well as ...
Huge Pre-Stonehenge Complex Found via "Crop Circles"
Etched into crops, the outlines of Bronze Age burial mounds surround a roughly 190-foot (57-meter) circular Stone Age temple site about 15...
"Lost" Amazon Complex Found; Shapes Seen by Satellite
The crop circles of Santa Teresinha, Brazil, are seen in an undated photograph. John Roach for National Geographic News January 4, 2010 Hund...
View of the citadel of Jerusalem. The ancient city of Jerusalem (in Arabian Al-Quds and in Hebrew Yerushalaim, meaning city of peace) was ...
Lost Civilization Under Persian Gulf?
A once fertile landmass now submerged beneath the Persian Gulf may have been home to some of the earliest human populations outside Africa...
Temple at Tarxien
Sir Themistocles Zammit’s excavations at Tarxien, the most complex of the Maltese temples, produced significant information regarding the ...
Fertile Crescent farmers took DNA to Germany
Artistic impression of a neolithic farmer in Central Europe. Held in the State Museum of Prehistory in Halle, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany (Sour...
Early human ate young Neanderthal: study
The research strengthens the argument that competition from modern humans contributed to Neanderthal extinction, say researchers (Source: ...
Neanderthals sang like sopranos
Jennifer Viegas Discovery News Neanderthals had strong, yet high-pitched, voices that the stocky hominins used for both singing and speaki...
Big finger gives away naughty Neanderthals
Neanderthals outperformed their human counterparts when it cae to sexual relations (Source: erix/Flickr) Neanderthals may have been underde...
Prehistoric Julia Roberts found
Jennifer Viegas Discovery News Bulgarian archaeologists have found what they claim is Europe's oldest skeleton, which they have named ...