In a twelfth-century map contained with other miscellaneous material at the front of an English Computus manuscript, the marginalization o...

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In a twelfth-century map contained with other miscellaneous material at the front of an English Computus manuscript, the marginalization o...
The Great Serpent Mound is a 1,330-foot-long, three-foot-high prehistoric effigy mound located on a plateau of the Serpent Mound crater alon...
Dún Aonghasa is the most famous of several prehistoric forts on the Aran Islands, of County Galway, Ireland. It is located on Inishmore at t...
Sigiriya (Lion's rock) Sigiriya (Lion's rock) is an ancient rock fortress and palace ruin situated in the central Matale District of...
Discovered by Englishman Robert Sherley in 1598 while on a diplomatic mission to Persia, the Behistun Rock is a multilingual inscription a...
Discovered: 1898 In 1898, a Swedish American farmer named Olof Öhman claims to have discovered a large stone while clearing his land of tre...
Discovered: 1944 The Acámbaro Figures are a collection of small ceramic figurines allegedly found in Acámbaro, Guanajuato, Mexico. They we...
Gondolin by John Blanche ECTHELION SLAYS ORCOBAL - illustration by Tom Loback Ecthelion, Lord of the Fountain a great champion of the hidde...
Hunters migrating from Asia across the Bering Land Bridge. When glaciers form, they freeze up vast quantities of water that would otherwis...
The Aztec city of Tenochtitlán was surrounded by Lake Texcoco and connected to the mainland by bridge-like roads. In the years before the S...
Collection: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection Author: Ziegler, J. M. Attributed Author: Ritter, Carl Date: 1864 Two of the founders o...
New genome research at Oxford University could change the way scientists view our evolution. Carl Holm ABC A meteorite found in Antarctica ...
A microscope image showing that a solution of tiny DNA molecules has formed a liquid-crystal phase. The DNA molecules pair to form DNA dou...
The Ruthwell Cross, Ruthwell church The Germanic conception of the world tree, along with the practice of venerating sacred groves and mig...
The Germanic invaders of the British Isles seem to have been less concerned with magic and with the aura of particular places in this worl...