The three Storegga slides are considered to be amongst the largest known landslides. They occurred in the Norwegian Sea, at the edge of N...

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The three Storegga slides are considered to be amongst the largest known landslides. They occurred in the Norwegian Sea, at the edge of N...
Tartessos was a harbor city and surrounding culture on the south coast of the Iberian Peninsula (in modern Andalusia, Spain) at the mouth ...
The Holocene Impact Working Group is a group of scientists from Australia, France, Ireland, Russia and the USA who have hypothesized that ...
The Younger Dryas stadial, also referred to as the Big Freeze, was a geologically period of cold climatic conditions and drought that began...
This map of the Indian Ocean and the China Sea was engraved in 1728 by the Hungarian-born Ottoman cartographer and publisher Ibrahim Mütef...
The “global economy” of the Middle Ages was created by linking the Indian Ocean trading networks with those of the Mediterranean Sea and i...
Belenus was one of the most ancient and widespread Celtic deities. He was not only worshiped in Celtic Britain, but also in Gaul, Austria, ...
A painting of the Colossi of Memnon in the days before the Asswan High Dam, when the Nile used to flood. The colossi represent Amenophis II...
On other worlds, plants could be red, blue, even black. RED EARTH, GREEN EARTH, BLUE EARTH: Type M stars (red dwarfs) are feeble, so plants...