Symbols are employed as tools to communicate the spiritual attributes of the New Age movement and the occult. And while most of these symbols are many centuries old, their meanings have remained the same. In fact, as the public extension of ancient occult teachings, the New Age movement has placed mystical symbolism squarely in the face of our modern culture.
What makes this especially disturbing is that while the "marks" of occultism can be found throughout society, yet we no longer recognize their spiritual implications. However, just because the average person doesn’t know the meaning of occult symbols, it in no way negates their significance. As Manly P. Hall stated, "They are centers of a mighty force, figures pregnant with an awful power…."
Occult symbols have never lost their meaning. Today, New Agers and practitioners of the occult still employ their use, just as mystics have throughout the ages.
According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, "symbol" can be defined as "a mark or character taken as the conventional sign of some object, idea, function, or process." The New Age movement and the occult–which, in many ways, are one and the same–have greatly employed the use of symbolism. I find it disturbing that while the historical and contemporary "marks" of occultism can be found throughout our modern culture, we no longer recognize their spiritual significance. However, just because the average person no longer knows the meaning of occult symbols, it in no way negates their significance. The fact remains that these symbols have never lost their meaning, and occultists today still recognize their power and influence.
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