The claim by Sitchin that the area of Lake Titicaca was set up as a major metallurgy center is quite an extraordinary piece of detective work and the supporting evidence is astounding. Again the conclusion that the entire complex was set up as part of a major control center to deal with matters of travel and supply is further hinted at by the depiction on the Mayan stele of the figure bearing the ‘Star of David’ symbol on his ear-ring.
The Star of David symbol is extraordinarily similar to an earlier Sumerian emblem which is quite likely the original precursor to the Jewish symbol. The Sumerian symbol, which signifies a ‘Supreme Place of the Four Regions’, has also been found at many ancient trade centers in the Persian Gulf area such as the ancient Sumerian city of Ur.Shulim, (the modern Jerusalem,) at Uruk (the Biblical Erech) and at other places that are all thought to have been vital control centers of the Sumerians that dealt with matters of travel and supplies. Plus there further evidence to support the conclusion that the site was indeed used for the refining of metals.
The mountain on which Tiahuanaco is situated is itself also extremely rich in tin bearing ores. Tin of course is not a naturally accessible metal like gold and must be smelted and extracted by various chemical processes and then mixed with a required percentage of copper to produce bronze, it’s not just a straightforward and simple procedure. The ancient bronze clamps that are still evident on many stone slabs are intriguing because only minimal supplies of copper with which they could have been made are available anywhere near the location of Cuzco. In startling contrast to this lack of a local copper source, many of the river rocks on the shore of Lake Titicaca, especially near the remains of ancient docks and port facilities at Puma Punka, are stained a deep bluish green.
What causes rocks to turn a bluish green?
The only thing that can cause such a reaction is prolonged exposure to copper – end of list. It’s similar to the way rocks rich in iron turn red as the iron oxidizes with the water, rocks rich in copper turn a bluish green. Yet the rocks at Lake Titicaca contain no copper! It therefore stands to reason that there was once a good deal of copper brought into Cuzco via the Puma Punka port facility. Then of course we need to ask why would all this copper have been brought in if not to mix with the abundant source of tin that already existed there in order to make bronze? It would certainly seem more reasonable than taking the ore bearing tin to the source of the copper. The manufacture of bronze at the site is further confirmed from the presence of the bronze clamps.
When considering this shoreline of greenish rocks on Lake Titicaca high in the Andes and the possibilities of an ancient metallurgy facility founded by the Gods and the descendents of Cain, there are also some comments made in an enigmatic passage in the Bible to consider in which such distant and remote mines and even the forgotten descendents of Cain seem to be suggested. The passage occurs when Job is talking to Yahweh complaining about all of the trials and tribulations heaped upon him and Yahweh says to Job:
Surely, there is a source for silver
A place where gold is refined
Where copper is obtained from ores
And iron is smelted out of stones
To darkness He puts an end
The usefulness he researches
Of stones in depths and obscurity
He breaches the brook away from Habitation
Where the forgotten and strange men move about
There is a land from which the ingots come
Whose underground is upheavaled as with fire
A place where the blue-green stones are
That has the ores of gold
Even a vulture knows not the way thereto
And a falcons eye has not discerned it
There He set His hand to the granite
He overturned the mountains at their roots
He cut galleries through the rocks
And all that his precious eyes had seen
He damned up the sources of the streams
And that which is hidden He brought to light
These Biblical verses coupled with ancient Sumerian texts, significant geological evidence, local legends and the substantial genetic differences to be found in the races native to the Americas provides a strong case that the South American civilization was indeed established by the lost tribes of Israel and possibly even the son of Cain himself.
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