An example of anomalous science, which includes a possible EM (Electromagnetism)spectrum connection, is the Celtic round towers of Ireland. These fascinating structures, the tallest measuring 34 meters, once numbered over 100 and dot the Irish landscape. The idea that the round towers were erected and used primarily as watchtowers and places of protection is strongly debated by the American scientist, Philip Callahan. In his book, Ancient Mysteries, Modern Visions, Callahan discusses research which indicates that the round towers may have been designed, constructed and utilized as huge resonant systems for collecting and storing meter-long wavelengths of magnetic and electromagnetic energy coming from the earth and skies. Based on fascinating studies of the forms of insect antenna and their capacity to resonate to micrometer-long electromagnetic waves, Callahan suggests that the Irish round towers (and similarly shaped religious structures throughout the ancient world) were human-made antennae, which collected and transmitted subtle magnetic radiation from the sun and passed it on to monks meditating in the tower and plants growing around the tower’s base. The round towers were able to function in this way because of their form and also because of their materials of construction.
Of the sixty-five towers that remain as ruins, twenty-five were built of limestone, thirteen of iron-rich, red sandstone, and the rest of basalt, clay slate or granite—all of these being minerals having para-magnetic properties and can thus act as magnetic antennae and energy conductors. Callahan further states that the mysterious fact of various towers being filled with rubble for portions of their interiors was not random but rather may have been a method of “tuning” the tower antenna so that it more precisely resonated with various specific frequencies.
In another article “The Mysterious Round Towers of Ireland: Low Energy Radio in Nature” from The Explorer's Journal, Summer, 1993, Callahan gives further details of his discoveries, stating “Another strange thing about the towers is the dirt that fills the base below the high doors. Each door has a different level of dirt filling the base, as if they were “tuned” like a pipe organ. I had long postulated that the towers were powerful amplifiers of radio resonance from the atmosphere generated by lightning flashes around the world.” Upon further investigation, Callahan concluded, “The round towers proved to be powerful amplifiers in the alpha brain wave region, two to 24 Hz, in the electrical anesthesia region, 1000 to 3000 Hz, and the electronic induction heating region, 5000 Hz to 1000 KHz.... It is fascinating that just above the surface of the ground to about two to four feet up there is a null of atmospheric frequencies that get stronger and stronger until at nine to 15 feet above the surface they are extremely strong.”
Were Irish monks aware of these properties and were thus prompted to build their high doors? At every tower Callahan measured, there was a direct correlation between the height of the tower door and the strength of the waves. That the highly amplified waves occur in the meditative and electrical anesthesia portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is of utmost significance. In 1963, G. Walter researched brain EEG waves from 0.5 to 3 Hz (Delta region) and found anti-infectious effects.
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